Macbook VS Windows : Which To Buy?

In this article, we will be discussing about which PC to buy between The Macbook or The Windows.

If you are right now deciding on which to buy and which is more worth the price, this article fits perfectly for you.

Let’s talk about Windows 8 first,

Lock-Screen lockscreen

You are greeted with an amazing breath-taking view once you boot up Windows 8. And ofcouse the wallpaper is changeable to whatever wallpaper you love. (TechChoice provides HD wallpaper for Windows 8)

That’s a plus two point for Windows 8 for delivering such amazing breathtaking introduction.

Now for the Apple Mac’s lockscreen


The default wallpaper isn’t very breath-taking as Windows 8.It looks abit dull and doesn’t impress me alot.

The login screen gives a old dull-looking look of the login box.

I’m sorry but the Apple mac doesn’t gain any points in this match.

We will move on to the most popular and frequently asked question,

Which is more worth the price?


This picture is infact the truth about mac.

Mac is infact overpriced as you can see above the PC is the same but slightly better than the mac above in terms of speed (GHz) and graphics and storage space and yet mac charges almost $5000 more than the PC.

The prices are ofcouse fake but in this world, Apple charges their macĀ for a way too high price for such lousy specs.

A Windows 8 PC that cost around $700 with the same specs (Speed,Power,Graphics,Storage) as a macbook that cost $2300.

Thus, buying a windows PC is much more worth the price than buying a macbook.

If you buy a macbook, you are not paying for the quality but the logo apple which is now known to scam people.

Apple’s Favorite Quote:


Do not believe this as Apple uses statements like this to attract customers to purchase their products.

WARNING: If you actually believe them, you will get laugh at by everyone.

Mac do in fact get virus but it is beyond your vision, you can’t see virus.

Apple removed their famous Quote not long ago as a Major Virus strike many macbooks and macs around the world that make AppleĀ embarrass to remove their famous quote.

For your info, Mac isn’t that popular and trending these days. More teenagers use Samsung Devices and Windows PC instead of Apple Products as Samsung and Microsoft are the leading major company and they are both very revolutionary unlike Apple.

In conclusion, Windows is much more modern and more reliable while Apple isn’t reliable as they say lies and has a old dull look and overpriced.

If you would like to see why mac isn’t as good as windows, click here for an extended version and a list of why mac is shit.